Home » 24.04.22 HAPPY EASTER!

Today Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter

A feast of light and spirit. A celebration of the victory of Life over death!
A day on which we wish you and your loved ones health and strength, faith and love for all people and living beings!

Today is also a day, however, when we cannot feel the joy of celebration as we always do. Even at this moment, in brotherly Ukraine, thousands of innocent mothers and children continue to be killed. We witness how even on this day, evil and madness have no rest…

We all ask ourselves why this disaster happened. Unknown are the ways of the Lord, as we know, but we humans are personally responsible for whether we follow the Light or the darkness. Perhaps that is the great test today – to determine, according to our mind and heart, which path to take. “By their fruit you will recognize them.” the Savior advises us.



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